The texture properties as well as the carbon yields of the
prepared carbon samples are listed in Table 1. It is evident to see
that both impregnation ratio of ZnCl2/SSH and activation
temperature have significant impact on the surface area and pore
structure of the obtained activated carbons. At ZnCl2/SSH = 2, the
pore is dominantly microporous, whereas at ZnCl2/SSH = 3,
mesoporous structure occupies a much higher fraction of the
total pore volume. This result can be attributed to the coalescence
of micropore to form mesopore at higher ZnCl2/SSH ratio due to the
high release of volatile matters, which leads to the decrease of
micropore surface area and enhancement of mesopore surface area
[22]. However, unlike that reported by Liou [15], the BET surface
area of the samples prepared at ZnCl2/SSH = 3 does not drop with
the decrease of micropore surface area as compared to that
prepared at ZnCl2/SSH = 2. Instead, the highest specific surface area
of 2212 m2/g is achieved on S-3-550, the sample displays the
lowest micropore surface area of 381 m2/g but the highest
mesopore surface area of 1741 m2/g. This indicates that, besides
the coalescence of micropore, new mesopore was also generated
during activation to account for the increase of the overall
mesopore surface area. Despite ZnCl2/SSH ratio, the samples
activated at 550 C shows slightly higher BET surface area than that
activated at 650 C. This may be due to more severe vaporization of
the activating agent at 650 C as ZnCl2 vaporizes in the temperature
The texture properties as well as the carbon yields of theprepared carbon samples are listed in Table 1. It is evident to seethat both impregnation ratio of ZnCl2/SSH and activationtemperature have significant impact on the surface area and porestructure of the obtained activated carbons. At ZnCl2/SSH = 2, thepore is dominantly microporous, whereas at ZnCl2/SSH = 3,mesoporous structure occupies a much higher fraction of thetotal pore volume. This result can be attributed to the coalescenceof micropore to form mesopore at higher ZnCl2/SSH ratio due to thehigh release of volatile matters, which leads to the decrease ofmicropore surface area and enhancement of mesopore surface area[22]. However, unlike that reported by Liou [15], the BET surfacearea of the samples prepared at ZnCl2/SSH = 3 does not drop withthe decrease of micropore surface area as compared to thatprepared at ZnCl2/SSH = 2. Instead, the highest specific surface areaof 2212 m2/g is achieved on S-3-550, the sample displays thelowest micropore surface area of 381 m2/g but the highestmesopore surface area of 1741 m2/g. This indicates that, besidesthe coalescence of micropore, new mesopore was also generatedduring activation to account for the increase of the overallmesopore surface area. Despite ZnCl2/SSH ratio, the samplesactivated at 550 C shows slightly higher BET surface area than thatactivated at 650 C. This may be due to more severe vaporization ofตัวแทน activating ที่ 650 C เป็น ZnCl2 vaporizes อุณหภูมิ
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