According to Erdogdu, Balaban, Otwell, and Garrido (2004) and
Gonçalves et al. (2008) dipping shrimp in phosphates solution is
known to prevent extreme weight losses (by retention of moisture)
during frozen storage or thermal processing (cooking). Moreover,
cooking changes quality attributes, affects textural and thermo
physical properties of shrimp (moisture content, density, thermal
conductivity, volume), and causes weight loss. This yield loss
during cooking possesses important economic consequence.
According to Erdogdu, Balaban, Otwell, and Garrido (2004) andGonçalves et al. (2008) dipping shrimp in phosphates solution isknown to prevent extreme weight losses (by retention of moisture)during frozen storage or thermal processing (cooking). Moreover,cooking changes quality attributes, affects textural and thermophysical properties of shrimp (moisture content, density, thermalconductivity, volume), and causes weight loss. This yield lossduring cooking possesses important economic consequence.
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