OSH is a multidisciplinary concept that concentrates on the
promotion of safety, health, and welfare of people engaged in work
or employment [6]. According to Amponsah-Tawiah and Dartey-
Baah [7], occupational health and safety encapsulates the mental,
emotional, and physical well-being of the worker in relation to the
conduct of his work and, as a result, marks an essential subject of
interest impacting positively on the achievement of organizational
goals. Available data reveal startling and tremendously high rates of
work-related deaths and injuries in both developed and developing
nations [2,8]. According to the ILO, 2.3 million people die each year
owing to work-related accidents or illness, and 350,000 of these
deaths are attributable to occupational accidents. Additionally, the
ILO estimates that there are 264 million nonfatal accidents each