Evacuation of children with disabilities and their families
Paying attention to people requiring special assistance during a disaster
Living at home as an evacuee
Families with babies and children with
disabilities often had to return home where
they had no access to food and supplies. In
evacuation centers, they worried about
bothering others. There were several case
where several such families got together to
live in one house even though the electricity
had not been reconnected, not to mention the
fact that external assistance was not
Expand the target of assistance
A large evacuation center generally produces
concerns about the hygiene situation and
privacy. Staying at home as evacuees in a
disaster period can be an option, but
assistance is generally not available for them.
I t is necessary to include the of f icial
assistance mechanisms for vulnerable people
who have to stay at home in local disaster
p r e v e n t i o n p l a n s p r e p a r e d b y l o c a l
governments, which makes it possible to
provide assistance to their homes with the
cooperation of volunteers and local