First, by gathering standard target color which value is L1*a1*b1*with CCD image acquisition equipment, we obtain relevant valueR1G1B1, and find the accurate mapping relationship betweenR1G1B1and L1*a1*b1*, that is the transformation mapping M. Second, the sample colors L*a*b* are the chroma values of color sunder test, and RGB is the color value of image through gathering by CCD image acquisition device. Third, L0*a0*b0* is the value after RGB converted by transformation algorithm M, and we hopeL0*a0*b0*and L*a*b* is as close as possible. Meanwhile, the color after recovery can be applied to the subsequent application. We take color difference as color recovery’s top criteria, and the color difference is calculated using the CIE1976L*a*b* color difference equation [9]: