An overreliance on theories from within might be the tendency of a designer solely preoccupied with tangible from and corporeal space. This person might be describe as having an idealist ( versus materialist) perceptive which emphasizes the internal codes and convention of a designed object or space. The limits of these internal theories emerge if one considers landscape architecture from a Marxist perspective as a cultural products (versus a designed object or space) located within a specific social formation. Culture products are made both of material products and human labor, and they are situated in geographically modified social formal. Another place for theory, then, is between a social formation and the act of design, or between the social and the formal. This mediating role is active, not passive. It requires ''the invention of a set of theoretical terms or codes such that the same terminology can be used to analyze and articulate two or more distinction type of object or texts, or two different levels or reality. ( In other words, built landscape do not passively reflect their social or physical context any more than an individual's personality is a mere reflection or epiphenomenon of its environment.)