2.2. Spatial trends
It was found that many of the spatial trends identified in the previous study [1] were reproduced in the new setting. Tables 2 and 3
provide the details of the mean daily pollen grain counts at each
sampling location for both lily and freesia pollen. The majority of pollen grains were deposited within 1 m of the pollen source, although
grains were found at the far extent of the room (up to 3.25 m for freesia and 4.56 m for lily).
Figs. 3 and 4 provide a graphical representation of the mean pollen
counts for each of the six runs and clearly demonstrate a general distance decay trend for both lily and freesia pollen. It is interesting to
note that there is a greater degree of variability for the lily pollen in
comparison to the freesia pollen. Fig. 5 provides the mean counts
for all six runs for both pollen types and illustrates the distance