Condition Surveys & Asset Verification
We will help Hua Hin international school, HHIS drive forward the Asset Register and the Criticality Asset Verification, we will also help HHIS realise the cost-implications of the positions they take regarding planned maintenance bearing in mind programme. HHIS will then make the final decisions, which will become enshrined in the maintenance Master Schedule. Thus, at all times, HHIS will always be in control of the maintenance strategy, and its associated costs.
A key element of establishing our maintenance strategy and lifecycle management plan will be to undertake a full condition survey of all your assets for which we will have maintenance responsibility, enabling the creation of the maintenance Master Schedule.
This is of course a major task due to the size and complexity of the site, the results of which will have a critical impact upon our final recommendations. As such this process will be undertaken by our condition survey team during the mobilisation period and first three months of the contract period.
Our approach to undertaking the condition surveys will be: