The Development of Social Welfare Policy Taiwan: Welfare Debates between the Left and the Right
Introduction Since the development and expansion of welfare state from the 1960s onward, arguments between western countries around such issues have led to debates of welfare ideology. And now the welfare ideology has fully developed There exists an imbalance between economic development and social welfare in Taiwan. The society has changed fast and the need of Taiwanese people for welfare has become diverse and complicated In the 21st century, Taiwan faces many challenges in terms of social policy planning. For instance, how the government can actively meet people's needs and expectation; and how it is able to implement policy through reasonable and sustainable plans
In fact, differences between the two main political parties, the Kuomintang (KMT) and the Democratic Progress Party (DDP), has brought about distinctive development in welfare policy during recent years, the DDP being especially after 2000 in power since In following vea paper, we shall look diture and related into welfare legislations and examine the influence of welfare ideology on social policy in Taiwan. And we shall point out that there exists some challenges for the future, including the coming of longevity society and the growing gap between the poor and the rich.
Welfare State Regimes Welfare Capitalism categorizes the welfare state into three major modes: the liberal welfare regime, the social democratic welfare regime and the historical corporatist-statist legacy Esping-Andersen employs two criteria, de-commodification and universalism, to develop his theoretical structure