Teachers’ responsibility lies not only with the average and above
average students but also with below average/slow learners. In short, a good
teacher has to handle classes for all the students in a classroom. Individual
attention will solve all kinds of problems which arise while taking classes.
As a remedial measure, slow-learners should be given extra coaching and
counselling. If a student errs in a class he/she should not be scolded or
punished for his/her misbehaviour in the class itself. This will make them
weaken psychologically. Instead, call such students individually after class
hours are over and provide valuable advices and counsel them the
significance of college life. This will create a congenial relationship between
staff and students.
To ease problems from the day one itself, an English teacher has to
encourage the students to talk in English only. This act makes them
confident. By taking extra care, the English teacher will impart the nuances
spoken aspects of a language once/twice in a week as a remedial measure.
When such type of spoken English classes begins, student-friendly or
learner-centric environment will certainly prevail, as more and more
Teachers’ responsibility lies not only with the average and aboveaverage students but also with below average/slow learners. In short, a goodteacher has to handle classes for all the students in a classroom. Individualattention will solve all kinds of problems which arise while taking classes.As a remedial measure, slow-learners should be given extra coaching andcounselling. If a student errs in a class he/she should not be scolded orpunished for his/her misbehaviour in the class itself. This will make themweaken psychologically. Instead, call such students individually after classhours are over and provide valuable advices and counsel them thesignificance of college life. This will create a congenial relationship betweenstaff and students.To ease problems from the day one itself, an English teacher has toencourage the students to talk in English only. This act makes themconfident. By taking extra care, the English teacher will impart the nuancesspoken aspects of a language once/twice in a week as a remedial measure.When such type of spoken English classes begins, student-friendly orlearner-centric environment will certainly prevail, as more and more
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