Discussion topics for students
1. Do you think it would be a good idea to grow your own vegetables in your garden?
2. In your opinion, what are some entertaining elements about comic books?
3. Please talk about your favorite number and give a supporting reason why you like it.
4. When talking about no water and no electricity, which one affects you the most? Why?
5. Do you have any special skills that you feel make you more independent, if so what are those skills? If not, what skills would you like to have?
6. Could you please explain or give some examples of the effect of the lack of clean water?
7. How is your student number/ your national ID card number or your passport number important to you?
8. Do you think that people should only stick at what they are good at, and pay someone else for other jobs so that they can earn money too. Or should people be more self-sufficient?
9. If your community does not have the Internet,what would you do to communicate with your friends?
10. Internet marketing and selling is a growing business. In the future it may replace local stores. Do you prefer shopping online or in store?
11. If drinking water in your city is so expensive, what would you do? Would you still buy bottles of clean drinking water or is there any other ways to get clean drinking water?
12. Can you talk about a number that is important to your country? Please also explain why this number is important?
13. Do you prefer to watch a concert on the television or online for free or actually going to the concerts?
14. In your opinion, at which age do you want to retire or stop working? After having been retired, what would you like to do?
15. Do you agree with the statement ‘living in germ-free environment can make you live longer’? Why or why not?
16. It is your birthday, so you and your close friends plan to celebrate your birthday together with you. You all do not have much money. Where would you like your birthday party to take place?
17. Can you talk about your most expensive item that you bought for yourself with your own money? Why did you decide to buy it?
18. Do you think that human beings are becoming over reliant on technology and the Internet or not?
19. Have you ever heard the recommendation about having a cup of yogurt a day can develop your digestion? Do you have any opinion with this suggestion? Please explain.
20. If you can choose between having a good boyfriend or girlfriend who is poor and having a bad boyfriend or girlfriend who is rich, which one would you choose and why?
21. Do you think everybody should learn match at school? Why or why not? Please give some reasons to support your answer.
22. What would your attitude be, if your parents gave you the budget to decorate your own room in any style you want, but you have to do all the work by yourself ?
23. Are teenagers today too concerned about brand name images, or should they create their own street style using cheaper local goods?
24. If you can choose between having a new mobile phone and a new laptop, which one would you choose? Why?
25. If your parents offer to give you one option between 1)20,000 THB and a Samsung Hero phone and 2) an iPhone 6 plus, which option would you choose? Why?
26. Do you like or dislike match? Why?
27. Do you prefer watching Thai movies or Hollywood movies? Why?
28. Can you think of a job that needs to use math a lot? What do people who take this job have to use match for?
29. What is your favorite children’s story? Why?
30. If you are given 30,000 THB to travel, where would you like to go? Why do you want to go there?
31. What is your favorite TV show? Why do you prefer this show to others?
32. In your opinion, why do you think many Thai people are addicted to Korean dramas?
33. Do you think horror films and ghost movies are suitable for children aged under 12 years old? Why or why not?
34. What is your favorite book? Why do you like it?
35. If you could write a story about part of your life, what would you write about?
36. Why do people use Facebook?
37. Which one do you prefer using the most? Facebook, Instagram or email? Why?
38. Can you talk about your most embarrassing moment?
39. What is the best time that people should go to bed? Why?
40. How do you feel about buying or selling goods online? Do you think it is trustable?
41. It is suggested that people should wash their hands before picking up any food with their hands. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why or why not?
42. Do you think handmade goods are better quality than factory manufactured goods?
43. Do you think young people should spend time helping parents doing housework on weekends, or they should go out to do other activities with their friends?
44. If you have gained 5 kilograms after coming back from a 10-day trip to Europe, what would you do?
45. When was the last time you were sick and had to go to the hospital? What was wrong with your body?
46. Is it possible for children to learn useful life skills from older family members like their grandfather or grandmother or are those skills outdated?
47. Do you prefer to stay in a cold country like Russia or a warm country like Thailand? Why?
48. It is suggested that people should cover their nose and their mouth when they sneeze? Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why or why not?
49. We now live in a consumer society, where we throw things away at the end of their life cycle. Should we try to be more careful and learn to repair and reuse items?
50. In the whole year, 365 days, can you talk about one day of the year that is most important to you? Why is it important?
51. People in the past were more relaxed about touching dirt. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
52. If you catch a cold, do you prefer taking longer hours of sleep or taking some medicine to be recovered?
53. If your international friends ask you to suggest one Thai dish to them, which one would you suggest? Why?
54. Do you think the use of technology makes people closer or keeps them apart? Why?
55. Is it true to say that people in developed countries are healthier than people in underdeveloped countries? Please give some reasons to support your idea.
56. Do you think people should recycle drinking water bottles? Why or why not?
57. In your opinion, how recycling can make your community better?
58. When travelling by plane, do you prefer checking in at a counter or with a machine? Why?
59. What are some ways that you can reduce waste pollution in Thailand?
60. Which is more important,increasing people's standard of living by cutting trees down for food and shelter or protecting the environment by telling people not to bring anything back from the forest?
61. When having a meal, do you prefer drinking plain water or carbonated water such as Coca-Cola? Why?
62. Do you prefer asking for help from real people or from someone else online like a webboard?
63. Does your local government make it easy or hard for citizens to recycle?
64. Are there people in your country who make their living from picking-up other people's rubbish? Why do they have to do that?
65. Do you have any ideas on howto minimize the use of plastic bags and foam boxes?
66. Do you prefer reading e-books or printed books? Why?
67. Some girls skip dinner in order to lose weight. Do you think it is a good idea? Why or why not?
68. What advice would you give to a foreigner who has just moved to Thailand?
69. Do you prefer listening to Thai songs or international songs? Why?
70. In your ideal job, how much money would you like to earn each month?