I contact you on behalf of the shareholders with regards to below request.
Please coordinate and finalize the data, June 2015-May 2016.
This will give us time to have an exact picture of 2015-16 accounts, allow time to work out dividends and make the time for all shareholders to be available. I believe I am supposed to advertise the fact we are having a meeting in the local newspaper!! Should I still go ahead with this?
General Meetings of Shareholders
18. A general meeting shall be held once at least in every twelve (12) months. Such general meetings are
called "Annual Ordinary General Meetings", and all other general meetings are called "Extra ordinary
General Meetings". Subject to the foregoing the Board of Directors may summon general meetings
19. A notice of every general meeting shall be publicized in the local newspapers and served to all
shareholders whose names are appearing in the Share Register via registered corresponding mail for
not less than 7 days before the date so appointed and wherein the place, date, time, and natures of
business to be transacted thereat must be provided. A notice to the shareholders whose name are in the Share Register residing abroad shall be
served via air mail or through cable or telex or fax or email, for the last three, a letter confirming such
service thereof is, one more time, required to be served to those living aboard shareholders.
I will also contact the "B" share holders to arrange attendance. I will also try to have an idea of the work required for Mariner this low season including dates for the dry dock.