system ligand–PhaP–PHA nanoparticles was taken up by macrophages, hepatocellular
carcinoma cell BEL7402 in vitro, and hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vivo,
respectively, when the ligands were mannosylated human a1-acid glycoprotein and
human epidermal growth factor (hEGF), respectively, which were able to bind to
receptors of macrophages or hepatocellular carcinoma cells. The system was
clearly visible in the targeted cells and organs under fluorescence microscopy when
rhodamine B isothiocyanate (RBITC) was used as a delivery model drug owing to
the specific targeting effect created by specific ligand and receptor binding. The
delivery system of hEGF–PhaP–nanoparticles carrying RBITC was found to be
endocytosed by the tumor cells in an xenograft tumorous model mouse. Thus, the
ligand–PhaP–PHA specific drug delivery system was proven effective both in vitro
and in vivo (Yao et al. 2008)