Mazda has been selling cars and trucks in the highly competitive U.S. market for more than three decades.
The company’s various models have always received high marks from consumers in areas such as styling,
performance, reliability, and value. Sporty models such as the rotary engine RX-7, which was introduced
in 1978 and was Mazda’s signature car for many years, and the Miata roadster helped the company sell
nearly 400,000 cars and trucks per year in the U.S. throughout the decade of the ‘80s and into the early
‘90s. However, during the mid ‘90s Mazda embarked on an expansion program in an attempt to compete
directly with Honda, Toyota and Nissan. This plan included the introduction of five new models in less
than a year that resulted in a lack of focus in the company’s marketing and advertising plans. From 1994
to 1997 Mazda’s U.S. sales declined by 33 percent and reached their lowest level in 15 years as the
various models were positioned primarily on the basis of value for the money. When the new president
took over Mazda North American Operations in early 1997, he found an inefficient company with an
image that was bouncing all around. Most of the advertising for the various Mazda models touted the
prices and functional features of the cars with little attention being given to image and positioning. A
change in marketing strategy as well as advertising philosophy was clearly needed if Mazda was to regain
its strong position in the U.S. market.
The Road to Recovery
To begin its recovery, a new marketing strategy was developed which called for Mazda to refocus its
efforts and target a younger generation of drivers who appreciate cars with sporty features and want to
make a statement about themselves with their cars. In the fall of 1997 Mazda parted ways with its
advertising agency of 27 years and awarded its business to a new agency, W.B. Doner & Co., now known
as Doner. The new agency was given the charge of building an image that would capture Mazda’s overall
personality and set it apart from other cars, i.e., to develop a brand DNA. They were also asked to
develop an advertising theme that could be used for the Mazda brand rather than trying to establish a
separate image for each model. Doner developed a simple but powerful slogan for Mazda, “Get In. Be
Moved.” The slogan was seen as more than just an advertising tagline, it was a brand promise. Mazda’s
group manager of brand strategy and communication noted that “It’s an invitation to the consumer; a
motivation and a promise that you come to Mazda, you get in, and we promise that you’ll be moved by
what our cars have to offer.”
Repositioning of the Protegé
One of the first challenges Doner undertook was to develop a campaign to completely reposition Mazda’s
subcompact Protegé model for the 1999 model year. The Protegé had been positioned as a car that was a
step up from a compact sedan but retained compact attributes such as fuel efficiency and price. The dual
market for the Protegé included entry level young buyers and older, empty nesters who wanted a smaller
second car. However, the new advertising strategy for the Protegé called for positioning it as a cool, fun
and hip to drive vehicle for young, individualistic females. The ads targeted young professional women
in their early 20s to mid 30s and promoted euro-chic styling, room for friends, value, reliability, and cool
features of the car.
To launch the repositioning campaign for the Protegé, Doner developed several television
commercials combining computer-generated backgrounds with live action and featuring a group of hip
“20-somethings” carpooling in a Protegé. One of the most popular spots was called “Protegé World” and
showed the group driving a Protegé through a surrealistic cityscape accompanied by a vocal set to music
from the rock group Nails’ “88 Lines About 44 Women,” bemoaning the trials and tribulations of their
workday lives. As the car drives off the screen, the voice over describes how the Protegé “is a change
from your high-maintenance relationships.”
In addition to the commercials, Mazda also gave the redesigned Protegé a major push on the
Internet. Mazda kicked off what it called “the world’s largest online automotive launch party” with
banner ads on a number of web sites and portals such as Yahoo!, Excite, America Online’s Autocenter,
CarPoint, and MTV. The ads led visitors to the Protegé section of Mazda’s web site, which was created
by CKS Group, Mazda’s interactive agency. Once there they could start the Protegé Road Trip where
users picked the traits and a photograph of an imaginary travel companion before starting on a cyber
journey that included choosing virtual roads to take. Fun facts about the car were offered along the way.
While online, travelers could also enter a sweepstakes to win a new Protegé and play trivia games
supplied by the game show site Uproar. Mazda also mailed a CD-ROM with music, movie reviews and
interviews to people who requested more information while visiting the Protegé web site. The IMC
program was extended to dealer showrooms by developing point-of-purchase cubes that used the same
imagery and tonality as the television and print messages.
The IMC program developed by Doner was highly successful in repositioning the Protegé and
attracting younger buyers. Protegé sales increased 33 percent in the fourth quarter of 1998 and nearly 12
percent in 1999. Imagery perceptions were also used to track and evaluate the effectiveness of the
campaign and revealed that the campaign was successful in creating a new image for the Protegé as
younger, hipper, and more intelligent. The research also showed an increase in perceptions of the Protegé
on key attributes such as overall quality, reliability, and dependability.
Zoom-Zooming in a New Direction
The success of the Protegé campaign prompted Mazda to use the “Get In. Be Moved” as it overall
branding theme and as the tagline in campaigns for various other models. However, the company’s
marketing executives were still not entirely sold on the tagline. In 1999 Mazda North America hired a
new group manager for brand strategy and communications. She felt that Mazda still lacked a strong
brand position, as “Get in. Be moved.” was too passive and vague and could just as easily work as a
tagline for an airport tram as a car. The new manager was an advocate of the idea of using a unified
branding effort as she felt that having a different advertising theme for every model would weaken
Mazda’s overall brand image. However, she wanted a theme that could be used to appeal to the driving
enthusiast in everyone and build on Mazda’s heritage as the creator of sporty vehicles such as the RX-7
and Miata roadster.
Ironically, when Doner had pitched the Mazda account in 1997, one of the creative ideas that was
presented centered on a theme based on the phrase “Zoom-Zoom.” The agency had presented a “brand
essence” tape that showed images of children enjoying their “wheels” which included toy cars, tricycles
and bicycles. The adults in the pitch tape were shown still expecting and experiencing the same
excitement when it comes to their automobiles. In early 2000 Mazda had Doner develop a new branding
campaign that would communicate the idea that the company makes fun-to-drive cars for adults who are
still in touch with their inner child. The first commercials in the campaign showed a young boy running
up to a road and turning to the camera to whisper, “Zoom-Zoom.” Interspersed were images of children
laughing and playing with wheeled objects and adults being playful as well (such as a young man riding a
shopping cart through a supermarket parking lot). The message also included a bouncy, Jamaican-toned
jingle that keeps repeating the “Zoom-Zoom” phrase. The “Get In. Be Moved” tagline still appeared in
the ads but was no longer emphasized.
The first Mazda vehicle to use advertising featuring the “Zoom-Zoom” creative platform was the
company’s new Tribute sport utility vehicle which was positioned as an SUV with the “soul of a sports
car.” The campaign for the SUV broke in August 2000 and ran through late November. The launch of the
Tribute was extremely successful and its strong sales continued into 2001. Mazda had also begun
incorporating the “Zoom-Zoom” phrase and music in ads for other models which resulted in increases in
brand as well as advertising awareness. By the summer of 2001 Mazda had decided to phase out the “Get
In. Be Moved” tagline and replace it with the “Zoom-Zoom” message in all of its advertising. Mazda and
the agency refused to characterize it as a new tagline as Simmons described it as more of the “mantra” of
the automaker noting that “’Zoom-Zoom’ sums up everything we stand for as a company.”
Extending the Protegé Line
By the summer of 2001, the “Zoom-Zoom” message was integrated into all new Mazda advertising which
began carrying a sportier look. Advertising for the new Mazda Protegé positioned it as an agile, fun car to
drive, with a sports car heritage. New commercials were developed which began with a shot of the Mazda
Miata sports car, and asked the question “Where is it written that only a sports car can behave like a
sports car?’ in a not so subtle attempt to associate the Protegé with the sporty Miata. The commercial also
showed the new 2.0 liter engine Protegé keeping pace with the Miata on a curvy highway to demonstrate its speed and handling. All other elements of the IMC program reflected this positioning.
In addition to changing its advertising strategy, Mazda North American Operations had embarked
on a new corporate strategy as well. Part of the Millennial Plan strategy included the launching of a
number of new products including two models that were built on the Protegé platform, the Protegé5 and
the MAZDASPEED Protegé. The Protegé5 is a four-door hatchback designed to fit into the growing
niche of “crossover” vehicles