I am completely against legal abortions. First, If there is legal abortions, the rate of unexpected pregnancy will increase and lead to increased abortion as well. Now, the rate of abortion in Thailand is around 300,000 cases per year that mean 300,000 baby were killed even many people say it’s just a bundle of cells. So, what happens after having legal abortions? Yes, everyone can do it and the rate of abortion will certainly increased in the next year. Second, It’s killing an innocent baby. No human being can be denied their rights. A child has the right to life although you gave it life and now you are going to kill it without giving a chance. That’s murder
if you were mature enough to have sexual relationships than, you should be able to be mature enough to take of a creature product of your mistakes NOT theirs! Things do happen for a reason, everybody deserves a chance to live, no matter the circumstances."