Thailand is unique in South-east Asia in that it has never been a dependency of another nation.The word Thai means free. Thai women, unlike women of some ofher East Asian countries, are active in business affairs, the profession, and the arts. No single culture has ever dominated the entire area.
Thailand emerged as a kingdom in the 13th century and over the next four centuries enlarged its borders through conquest. During the 1800s British influence grew with trade, the country began to modernise, and Thailand kept its independence by ceding land to the colonial powers [Cambodia and Laos to the French; part of Malaysia to the British].
After initially siding with the Japanese during World War II,Thailand turned to the Allies in July 1944 and joined the United Nations in 1946.
The present King Rama IX ascended the throne in 1946. Since then the government has changed hands many times, with military coups, political and social unrest and uneasy coalitions. through it all, the king has remained a stabilising influence, being well respected and loved by the people.