1. Neville sets a trap for the girls in two ways. First, he stations the men along the
fence to wait for the girls, believing they will walk into the area where the men are
waiting. Second, he tells everyone to spread the word that Gracie’s mother is
waiting for her in Wiluna and that the girls can take a train there. Neville wants
the girls to hear this and come to Wiluna, where it will be easier to catch them.
2. Gracie turns around to run away from Molly and Daisy so that they will not get
caught. The film does not tell us what happens to her after she gets caught. Ask
students for suggestions. From the book, we know that she was sent back to Moore
River and then worked on farms and in the city as domestic help.
3. Perhaps Modoo works at Moore River so that he can see his daughter, Olive.
Maybe being a tracker is a good job. He might not have a choice, and maybe he
thinks he can help the children in small ways by staying there. Modoo seems
sympathetic to Molly, Gracie and Daisy. He respects them for not getting caught
and he smiles when the policeman he is with gives up and stops waiting for the
girls. It is not clear if Modoo could have caught the girls if he had wanted to -
what do your students think?
4. Mavis is another Stolen Generations girl who is working as domestic help for a
white family. She helps the girls by giving them food and a place to stay. Her life
is difficult because she has to do what the white family tells her to do. She is also
abused by the man of the house.