Digital economy can also be enhanced by the extensive
development of broadband communications in the
business sector, government buildings and residences.
Further growth of improving will require enabling
legislation and government incentives; effective
knowledge workers, education and training, development
of governmental and private sector programs that
promote digital democracy and ensure that all sectors of
society realize the benefits of broadband revolution, as
well as the expansion of citizen participation in decisionmaking
processes in government through e-governance.
Advances in ICT has been created under the pressure for
reform and the digitization of both internal activities as
well as activities in relation with the customers and the
related trading partners. As a result of these changes,
businesses today need to accept the network society and
install business processes which are based on information
and communication technologies for both front and back
offices. Measures that can improve e-business include:
enabling legislative systems, the diffusion of electronic
payments for the business sector, reducing
communication costs, and the development of skills
necessary for the use of e-commerce business models.
Further, given that it is not simple for individual SMEs to
require sufficient human resources, know-how,
technology and content, SMEs can use of their
characteristic mobility and flexibility to collaborate with
others. They can also build mechanisms that will
implement the overall business activities over the