『High Commander, we will pass on the instructions from the General
Staff Headquarters. The mission currently given to Major Angie Sirius
should assume a priority of second degree, and you should give top
priority to the tracking of the fugitives.』
Lina, once after taking a deep breath, answered to the communication
"Ben. Please convey to the HQ that I accept it."
『Roger. High Commander, take care.』
The communication cut with those words of worry.
"It looks like I won’t be able to sleep any longer tonight", Lina
◊ ◊
『High Commander, we will pass on the instructions from the GeneralStaff Headquarters. The mission currently given to Major Angie Siriusshould assume a priority of second degree, and you should give toppriority to the tracking of the fugitives.』Lina, once after taking a deep breath, answered to the communicationdevice."Ben. Please convey to the HQ that I accept it."『Roger. High Commander, take care.』The communication cut with those words of worry."It looks like I won’t be able to sleep any longer tonight", Linathought.◊ ◊
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