Almost half of soldiers reported making food choices basedon G4G labels at least sometimes, particularly for main entrées(Table 1). Forty-seven percent of soldiers were classifiedas users of G4G labels based on answering “always”or “sometimes” to the question on making food choicesbased on G4G labels. Users did not differ from nonusers withrespect to age, sex, race/ethnicity, or BMI (Table 2). Userswere more likely to be following a special diet than nonusers(P¼0.04). The most popular type of special diet reportedby label users was a “low carbohydrate/high proteindiet,” followed by “low cholesterol/fat,” “healthy” or“balanced,” and “weight loss.” Use of G4G labels was associatedwith lower fat intake (P<0.0001), but not with servings
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