ENG 107: English for Aesthetics
Literature Project Assignment 20 points
Due: To Be Announced* Consult your instructor
(Late work not accepted)
Organization: Students work in groups of 10-12. Each group shall make a Literature Reflection Notebook
Profile of Content: Poems, Metaphors, Reflection on short story and novel
Length 10-12 pages, A4 paper, and cover page, typed, use font size 12, font style Arial or New Romans Times
(Handwritten assignment not accepted)
Guidelines: Sequence Content
A Member page: Name, Roll Number, Student ID
1 Introduction (Reflection on Literature) 50-100 words
2 Poem 1 Humorous
3 Poem 2 Descriptive
4 Poem 3 Narrative
5 Poem 4 Reflective
6 Ten Metaphors, similes, personification, alliteration
(About a student studying English)* Instructor assigns
the poetic device
7 Reflection on The Girls in their Summer Dresses
(50-100 words)
8 Reflection a Response to Michael and Frances
9 Reflection on Sound of a Voice
(50-100 words)
10 Reflection: Responses to Man and Woman
Appendix Additional Materials