Look folks, this is very simple, especially for someone with an electronics education. You create a tone of some audible frequency, then you pulse the tone's volume at 7.83 Hz. If you're quick enough, you can count the almost 8 pulses in a second. You are not hearing 7.83 Hz, you are hearing a tone pulsed at 7.83. However, you are still generating 7.83 Hz in pulses. Another way of looking at this is that it is a modulated 7.83 Hz, where the carrier is 7.83 Hz, with an audible modulated tone being carried upon it. They did this so you can hear something. If you hook a generator up, set at 7.83 Hz, to a low range speaker, you won't hear it, even though the cone would move, but mix a higher tone with it, and viola. Capiece? I think the higher frequency, that you hear, is one of the lower so-called healing frequencies. I wanted to add, that to the naysayers, there is a natural frequency for everything. If you look into Quantum Physics, you'll really be freaked out. All matter vibrates, even though you can't tell it. Gravity was determined to be a wave, and if it is a wave, it has a frequency.
11 months ago (edited)•57
Spencer Matthews
3 weeks ago•
+Zeracan Whoops, you're right -- listening to each earpiece ("earpisce" :D) individually, they do indeed pulse the volume of both tones. (I actually hadn't read as far as your comment.)
5 months ago•
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I know this is a coincidence but this sound file bears a strong resemblance to what alien craft might sound like in an old Hollywood movie. On a more serious note, I'm picking up some very low end patterns whenever I pause this. I don't recall my hearing doing that before. Very interesting, thank you for posting!
4 months ago•3
Patrick Hennessey
+tonyvideo2000 Irrelevant. Any synth can sound like that.
1 month ago•
+David Shamanzi Me too, that's fucking awesome!
2 months ago•
David Shamanzi
+tonyvideo2000 yes i also hear a low frequency afterglow when i pause
3 months ago•
Omar Mejia
When I have a hard time sleeping I just listen to this video & after I go fast sleep ..why don't know but it works
3 days ago•
If this would really be 8 Hz we wouldn't hear it, and our speakers wouldn't be able to produce it.
3 months ago (edited)•3
Hope you're only trolling
2 weeks ago•
Hope you're only trolling
2 weeks ago•
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Peter Smythe
"This vibration is considered the natural state of everything." No. That's very specifically related to how lightning effects Earth. It has NOTHING to do with the universe as a whole. There is no practical point to concerning oneself with true natural units of cyclic activity, as they are so small that it does not make sense to talk about time smaller than that scale.
4 days ago•
This is a 177.6 hz tone
2 months ago•2
Cami Bustamante
THIS FREAKS ME OUT SO MUCH WTH i love asmr but this is so freaky makes me anxious
2 months ago•
Cami Bustamante
+Jeric Tamayo thats a really cool theory
3 weeks ago•
Isys Eye
+Cami Bustamante Could be, the Taos hum anyone ;-) My fan now sounds synced to the vid....crazy!
3 weeks ago•
Jeric Tamayo (Momentum33)
+Cami Bustamante Normally means you have some things to get over. It's somewhat like maybe you haven't been your real natural self and have been controlled or controlling yourself in unnatural ways one way or another in parts of your life you find important. I've been there.
2 months ago•1
Harry ADS
I said the word OM with it. Please try it out once. Match the frequency and there will be something different. My heart beat and blood flow, I could actually feel it. My brain was numb and I could connect with my self.
1 month ago•
It's not the "natural state of everything", it's just related to the relative sizes of the earth and the ionosphere...
5 months ago•1
+Jeric Tamayo Errr.. just read the "Schumann resonances" wikipedia page. I'm not an expert, but what you've been told are definitely misunderstandings, (lightning is the source of the energy that is at the Schumann frequency, but thunder is not at that frequency -- it's more like when you see a sign shaking/vibrating in the wind, the wind isn't blowing at that frequency, it's a property of the geometry of the sign) and some of those things you've been told are just made up (Earth's movement around the Sun... no idea what they are trying to say there. That frequency is once per year ;)). The frequency is based on the diameter of the earth and the height of the ionosphere, so that energy can bounce around the space between the surface of the Earth and the ionosphere. It's different on different planets and moons, so it's definitely not the "natural state of everything"...
2 months ago•2
Jeric Tamayo (Momentum33)
+smozoma Same as the frequency of thunder. And I also heard it's the same frequency relative to the Earth's movement around the sun as well as the frequency inside the Earth. Scientists also noticed that the planet has a sort of heartbeat to it as they get closer to the crust.
2 months ago•
Interesting, ALPHA waves range from 7.5–12.5 Hz. They effect the electrical activity of thalamic pacemaker cells in humans. Entrainment programming is used within the scope of base control of personality. It has been characterized by extremely pronounced memory retention, along with substantially increased physical strength and visual acuity. Alpha wave entrainment programming is usually accomplished through deliberately subdividing a subject’s personality which, in essence, causes a left brain-right brain division, allowing for a programmed union of Left and Right through neuron pathway stimulation. Just saying.
4 months ago•1
Amazingly some people document their experiments and observations, other do not and simply share their opinions on the subject. However there is a well worn idiom that states, "opinions are like assholes." Obviously, some are used pragmatically, others are not.
1 month ago•
It made sense at the beginning there and then descended into an abyss of bullshit. Left-right brain division allowing for a programmed union of left right through neuron pathway stimulation. Are you serious? Try reading these things back to yourself from time to time. You are insane. It's like people start to notice something really interesting so they get bored of actually doing research and just make up what sounds good to them. Please. Before you reply I know what you're thinking. My hypercritical nature is caused by overstimulation of my left-brain or something. No. It's that you are not being critical enough. I could just make anything up and use long word to justify it. It doesn't make it true! :P xx Have a nice day
1 month ago•
craxd1คนดู นี้จะง่ายมาก โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งสำหรับผู้ที่มีการศึกษาอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ คุณสร้างเสียงความถี่เสียงบาง แล้วคุณหมุนระดับเสียงของเสียงที่ 7.83 Hz ถ้าคุณเร็วพอ คุณสามารถนับจำนวนพัลส์เกือบ 8 ที่สอง คุณจะได้ยิน 7.83 Hz คุณจะได้ยินเสียงสูงที่ 7.83 อย่างไรก็ตาม คุณจะยังคงสร้าง 7.83 Hz ในกะพริบ อีกวิธีหนึ่งของนี้คือ ว่า เป็นการซ้อน 7.83 Hz บริษัทขนส่งที่ 7.83 Hz มีเสียงซ้อนเสียงกำลังทำไว้ พวกเขาไม่ได้นี้เพื่อให้คุณสามารถได้ยินเสียงบางอย่าง ถ้าคุณเกี่ยวกับเครื่องกำเนิดไฟฟ้า 7.83 Hz ตั้งการพูดช่วงต่ำ คุณจะไม่ได้ยิน แม้ว่ากรวยจะย้าย แต่ผสมเสียงสูงมัน และวิโอล่า Capiece ฉันคิดว่า ความถี่สูง ที่คุณได้ยิน ความถี่การรักษาที่เรียกว่าต่ำกว่าอย่างใดอย่างหนึ่ง ผมต้องการเพิ่ม การ naysayers ว่ามีความถี่ธรรมชาติทุกอย่าง ถ้าคุณดูในควอนตัมฟิสิกส์ คุณจะจริง ๆ มี freaked ออก เรื่องทั้งหมดสั่นสะเทือน แม้ว่าคุณไม่สามารถบอก กำหนดให้ คลื่นแรงโน้มถ่วง และถ้าเป็นคลื่น มีความถี่•57 11 เดือนที่ผ่านมา (แก้ไข)สเปนเซอร์แมธธิวส์สัปดาห์ที่ 3 ago•smozoma+ Zeracan Whoops คุณขวา - ฟังมือถือแต่ละ ("earpisce": D) แต่ละ พวกเขาแน่นอนชีพจรระดับเสียงทั้งสอง (จริง ๆ ไม่ได้อ่านเท่าที่เห็นของคุณ)ago• 5 เดือนแสดงรายการเพิ่มเติมtonyvideo2000ฉันรู้ว่า นี้เป็นความบังเอิญ แต่ไฟล์นี้เสียงหมีรูปแบบแข็งแรงอะไรลูกโป่งอาจเสียงเหมือนในหนังฮอลลีวูดเก่า ในหมายเหตุรุนแรงมากขึ้น ฉันกำลังเก็บค่าบางรูปแบบสิ้นสุดต่ำมากเมื่อฉันหยุดชั่วคราวนี้ ฉันไม่จำได้ยินฉันทำก่อน น่าสนใจมาก ขอบคุณสำหรับการลงรายการบัญชีago•3 4 เดือนPatrick Hennessey+ tonyvideo2000 Irrelevant สามารถเสียง synth ใด ๆ เช่นนั้น1 เดือน ago•Rhyle+ David Shamanzi ฉันเกินไป เป็น fucking น่ากลัวago• 2 เดือนDavid Shamanzi+ tonyvideo2000 ใช่ฉันได้ยิน afterglow ความถี่ต่ำเมื่อฉันหยุดago• 3 เดือนOmar Mejiaเมื่อมีเวลานอน ฉันฟังวิดีโอนี้ และหลังจากไปนอนอย่างรวดเร็ว... ไม่รู้ทำไม แต่ทำงานago• 3 วันelektrosvijetถ้านี้จริง ๆ 8 Hz เราจะไม่ได้ยิน และลำโพงของเราจะไม่สามารถผลิตได้•3 3 เดือนที่ผ่านมา (แก้ไข)jaro2404หวังว่า คุณกำลัง trolling เท่านั้นสัปดาห์ที่ 2 ago•jaro2404หวังว่า คุณกำลัง trolling เท่านั้นสัปดาห์ที่ 2 ago•แสดงรายการเพิ่มเติมSmythe ปีเตอร์"สั่นสะเทือนนี้ถือว่าเป็นธรรมดาของทุกสิ่งทุกอย่าง" 555 เฉพาะที่เป็นกับการฟ้าผ่าผลโลก มีอะไรกับจักรวาลทั้งหมด มีจุดปฏิบัติการเกี่ยวข้องกับตัวเองมีหน่วยธรรมชาติแท้จริงของกิจกรรมวัฏจักร มีขนาดเล็กว่า มันไม่ควรพูดคุยเกี่ยวกับเวลาที่มีขนาดเล็กกว่าขนาดที่ago• 4 วันalanzo77นี่คือเสียง 177.6 hzago•2 2 เดือนCami BustamanteTHIS FREAKS ME OUT SO MUCH WTH i love asmr but this is so freaky makes me anxious2 months ago•Cami Bustamante+Jeric Tamayo thats a really cool theory3 weeks ago•Isys Eye+Cami Bustamante Could be, the Taos hum anyone ;-) My fan now sounds synced to the vid....crazy!3 weeks ago•Jeric Tamayo (Momentum33)+Cami Bustamante Normally means you have some things to get over. It's somewhat like maybe you haven't been your real natural self and have been controlled or controlling yourself in unnatural ways one way or another in parts of your life you find important. I've been there.2 months ago•1Harry ADSI said the word OM with it. Please try it out once. Match the frequency and there will be something different. My heart beat and blood flow, I could actually feel it. My brain was numb and I could connect with my self.1 month ago•smozomaIt's not the "natural state of everything", it's just related to the relative sizes of the earth and the ionosphere...5 months ago•1smozoma+Jeric Tamayo Errr.. just read the "Schumann resonances" wikipedia page. I'm not an expert, but what you've been told are definitely misunderstandings, (lightning is the source of the energy that is at the Schumann frequency, but thunder is not at that frequency -- it's more like when you see a sign shaking/vibrating in the wind, the wind isn't blowing at that frequency, it's a property of the geometry of the sign) and some of those things you've been told are just made up (Earth's movement around the Sun... no idea what they are trying to say there. That frequency is once per year ;)). The frequency is based on the diameter of the earth and the height of the ionosphere, so that energy can bounce around the space between the surface of the Earth and the ionosphere. It's different on different planets and moons, so it's definitely not the "natural state of everything"...2 months ago•2Jeric Tamayo (Momentum33)+smozoma Same as the frequency of thunder. And I also heard it's the same frequency relative to the Earth's movement around the sun as well as the frequency inside the Earth. Scientists also noticed that the planet has a sort of heartbeat to it as they get closer to the crust.2 months ago•tlarremoreInteresting, ALPHA waves range from 7.5–12.5 Hz. They effect the electrical activity of thalamic pacemaker cells in humans. Entrainment programming is used within the scope of base control of personality. It has been characterized by extremely pronounced memory retention, along with substantially increased physical strength and visual acuity. Alpha wave entrainment programming is usually accomplished through deliberately subdividing a subject’s personality which, in essence, causes a left brain-right brain division, allowing for a programmed union of Left and Right through neuron pathway stimulation. Just saying.4 months ago•1tlarremoreAmazingly some people document their experiments and observations, other do not and simply share their opinions on the subject. However there is a well worn idiom that states, "opinions are like assholes." Obviously, some are used pragmatically, others are not.1 month ago•chaosenergy1990It made sense at the beginning there and then descended into an abyss of bullshit. Left-right brain division allowing for a programmed union of left right through neuron pathway stimulation. Are you serious? Try reading these things back to yourself from time to time. You are insane. It's like people start to notice something really interesting so they get bored of actually doing research and just make up what sounds good to them. Please. Before you reply I know what you're thinking. My hypercritical nature is caused by overstimulation of my left-brain or something. No. It's that you are not being critical enough. I could just make anything up and use long word to justify it. It doesn't make it true! :P xx Have a nice day1 month ago•
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