I received it.
Thank you very much.
จาก: Lody Zwarensteyn
ส่ง: 23 กรกฎาคม 2559 2:18
ถึง: curfew007@hotmail.co.th
สำเนาถึง: Vantipseesombut@hotmail.com; lody6290@gmail.com; joshua@deksia.com; sblc_rotary@hotmail.com
ชื่อเรื่อง: More information from Central States Rotary Youth Exchange
To: Inbound Exchange Student Jinasin Nimnuansiri
Dear Curfew,
Hello once again from Central States! I’m pleased to have some additional information and advice for you at this time. Attached to this email is a packet of information that you will find valuable. In particular there is information about applying for your visa and what to expect from customs officials upon entry into the United States. If there is any part of this e-mail that you do not understand, please seek out someone who can help you with it, as it is very important.
The time will be here very soon when you will begin the adventure known as Rotary Youth Exchange. As you may know, you will be hosted by the Rotary Club of Grand Rapids in District 6290. They are continuing their work to finalize details of your exchange. Perhaps you have already been in touch with your hosts. I hope you will write to them, and continue writing to them, over the next several weeks as the time of your arrival approaches.
Now I’d like to take this opportunity to cover a few other topics with you. You may already be familiar with some or all of this, but it is worth the time to review it again.
School – As you know, this is an educational program, and you will be required to attend high school here during your exchange, to maintain reasonably good grades, and to participate in school activities. This is true whether or not you may have completed high school in your home country. School is, of course, where you will make most of your friends, and part of your “job” as an exchange student is to try to share some of your home country’s culture with those you meet. Many of your teachers will welcome the opportunity for you to do that. But whether that’s the case or not, school attendance is absolutely required. Please note that schools in Central States WILL NOT guarantee that you can obtain a high school diploma as an exchange student. It is up to you to arrange with your school in Thailand whether you will get any credit for classes you take in the US.
You are expected to arrive here one or two weeks before school starts, to allow time for settling in with your host family and getting everything in order for school. Schools start at different times in the different states in Central States. Your host district and host family will recommend an appropriate arrival date for you. We would suggest that you arrive at least a week before school begins.Bring with you a list of all classes you have taken in Thailand and the grades you’ve received, translated into English.
Airline Tickets – You are required to arrive here with a complete, round-trip airline ticket, including any domestic as well as international flight segments. Your ticket must include an OPEN return, which will allow you to select the date of your return next spring or fall if you are a January inbound. An OPEN return ticket also can be used without difficulty in case you need to return home early due to medical emergency or other problem situations. If OPEN return tickets are not available, your ticket must allow at least one easy, inexpensive change of return date. Please make sure that your airline ticket contains a complete trip home as well – it is not acceptable to have only part of the return itinerary.
Driving – You are not allowed to drive or operate any motorized vehicles during your exchange year, and you are absolutely not permitted to take driver education in school or elsewhere. There are no exceptions. Do not even ask your host family, host club, or school about this.
Drugs and Alcohol – You know that violating the laws of this country will result in your being sent home immediately. We know that many American teenagers experiment with alcohol and drugs (we were teenagers once, too!), but, as an exchange student, you have a lot more to lose if you are caught. Therefore, it’s very important that you carefully choose friends and activities, and not allow yourself to be found in a situation where you might get in trouble.
Expectations and Responsibilities – You are coming into an area that takes great pride in its Youth Exchange program, a program that is growing rapidly around the state and has been recognized for its excellence. We have established high standards that we certainly must maintain. Therefore, we are relying on you to meet the expectations and responsibilities defined in the Youth Exchange application … and more! We need for you to provide a good experience for the club and families that will host you, and the school that you will attend. In return, we will do everything we can to make sure that this year is a great experience for you! If you have any