decorating the duke
someone to really suffer serious cone abuse is the duke of wellington or rather the equestrian status of the duke in central glasgow in the early 1980 a student climbed the status and placed a traffic cone upon wellington is hean which admittedly looked quite funny at the time although the duke would probably have not been amused is was duly taken down by the author ities but very quickly another cone appeared and so it went on sometimes the horse is also wearing a cone making it look more like a unicorn last year an attempt by the authorities to raise the height of the status in an attempt to keep it cone free was thwarted by a keep the cone campaign by glasgow citzens which included asign coney no dae that they noted that tourists even complained bitterly if they found a cone less duke apetition signed by thousands read the con on wellington is head means farmore to the people of glasgow than wellington himself ever has they might have a point but does this mean glaswegians never wear wellies