on average, QIAGEN QIAamp
DNA Blood Maxi Kit provided higher final gDNA yield,
obtained higher gDNA yield per ml of blood and a better
260/280 nm ratio than traditional and modified salting out
methods. On the other hand, the modified salting out method
resulted, on average, in higher final gDNA yield and
obtained higher gDNA yield per ml of blood than traditional
salting out method. However, they both had the same
average result for 260/280 nm ratio measure. It appeared as
if QIAGEN QIAamp DNA Blood Maxi Kit provided a
more highly concentrated and better quality gDNA than the
other two methods. Although, statistical analysis using
ANOVAshowed that the results from all three methods were
not significantly different (P value = 0.110 for gDNA yield)
and a marginally significant difference (P value = 0.05) was
obtained for the 260/280 nm ratio. Furthermore, using an
independent t-test to compare modified salting out method
and QIAGEN QIAamp DNA Blood Maxi Kit, there were
no statistically significant differences between these results
(P value = 0.187 for gDNA yield and P value = 0.076 for
260/280 nm ratio).