All group members worked together to complete the agreed tasks with trust and support. For example, in order to assist Year 1 students to search and evaluate websites and to find out what electrical or electronic or computer system engineers do. The subject librarian modelled career research for librarianship on the internet and documented the search strategies. She went through the research process and presented the evaluation sheet that she had used to evaluate the information found.Based on the information provided by the subject librarian, the student learning advisor then wrote a sample report on a topic of “What do subject librarians do?” to
demonstrate to students how to write a short report about a career. She also developed
a report sample for students. The subject librarian, the student learning advisor and
the researcher worked collaboratively to develop a web resource evaluation template
and examples. An online peer review system was introduced for students to peer
review each other’s work in a collaborative online learning environment. IT support
staff provided online peer review support for students to peer review and mark each
other’s work online. The researcher worked with the course lecturers and the student
learning advisor to draft a marking schedule for students to peer mark their fellow
students’ work. The integration of information literacy provided an opportunity for
collaboration in offering to students the best support possible.