The project owner shall develop a Biological Resources Mitigation Implementation and
Monitoring Plan (BRMIMP), and shall submit two copies of the proposed BRMIMP to
the CPM for review and approval in consultation with Western, CDFG, BLM, and
USFWS. The project owner shall implement the measures identified in the approved
BRMIMP. The BRMIMP shall incorporate avoidance and minimization measures
described in final versions of the Hazardous Materials Plan; the Revegetation Plan, the
Weed Management Plan; the Special-Status Plan Impact Avoidance and Minimization
Plan; the Desert Tortoise Translocation Plan; the Raven Monitoring, Management, and
Control Plan; the Burrowing Owl Relocation and Mitigation Plan; the Streambed
Management Plan; the Evaporation Pond Design Monitoring, and Management Plan;
and the Avian and Bat Protection Plan.
The BRMIMP shall be prepared in consultation with the Designated Biologist and shall
include accurate and up-to-date maps depicting the location of sensitive biological
resources that require temporary or permanent protection during construction and
operation. The BRMIMP shall include complete and detailed descriptions of the