1. Shop Manufacturing Procedure
Any document produced by the shop engineering group as instructions to the shop floor shall be available for to Company review and comment to ensure proper interpretation of relevant technical requirements.
2. Shop Welding Procedures
Shop welding procedures to be used on this Work shall be submitted to Company for review and comment prior to welding.
3. Shop NDE (Nondestructive Examination) Procedures
NDE procedures to be used by the shop on this Work shall be submitted to Company for review and comment prior to performing any NDE.
4. Shop Drawings
When specified in the purchase order, shop drawings produced from the Company drawings and intended for the shop's use in the fabrication process shall be submitted to Company at the same time they are released to the cutting floor. This submittal shall not imply that fabrication is to be delayed in any way. The purpose is to allow Company the option and ability to perform spot checks as a form of quality control.
5. Production Schedules and Status Reports
Prior to the initiation of Work, the shop shall produce and submit a realistic production schedule. Throughout the duration of the Work, the shop shall prepare and submit weekly status reports and schedule updates.
6. Requirements for the timing and disposition of the above submittals are contained in Seller’s Drawing and Data Commitment form located in the purchase order package.