Meetings with Results!
When was the last time you were part of a great meeting?
Without Results, meetings are just a lot of talking – unproductive, expensive, discouraging, and demoralizing.
Set the stage for success by having Bill McGinnis facilitate your meeting. As your meeting facilitator, Bill will lead your group to:
have clear, open discussions
explore new ideas
analyze options
make determined decisions
assume responsibilities
set timelines for actions
define follow-up
Participants deserve a meeting where their time is well spent, where decisions are made that advance the organization's goals, and where talk turns into action. Bill can deliver such a meeting for you.
Research has shown that outside meeting facilitation produces more successful meetings. Why? An outside meeting facilitator changes the established group dynamics and hierarchy. Bill uses this to bring focus, direction, objectivity, and perspective to your meeting that would not otherwise be achievable.
Professional meeting facilitation allows participants to contribute and interact differently than they would in an unfacilitated setting. The balance of power is altered, allowing new thoughts and ideas to emerge. This increases the value realized from the meeting.
Bill's strong, unique, executive background, studied meeting facilitation approach, and comfortable leadership style guides groups to success. He will facilitate your meeting to results.