2.10. Statistical analysis
The pesticide residue data were expressed in ng g1 on a dry
weight basis (dw). The values of the pesticides, LPO and DHA
represent the mean of three independent extractions and the
quantification of different soil fractions or plant tissues. Statistical
analysis was performed using Infostat Software Package (Grupo
InfoStat, 2008). A non-parametric ANOVA Friedman test or tpaired
test for dependent samples was applied to assess the differences
among plant tissues or soil fractions within species at 15
and 60 days of growth. Significant differences among species were
assessed by a factorial ANOVA test, considering the treatments
(treated and control) and times (15 and 60 days) as factors, followed
by Tukey analysis. The significance level was set at a ¼ 0.05
(Zar, 1984). Normality and variance homogeneity were verified
using ShapiroeWilks test and analyzing the residual plots,
respectively, before using ANOVA analysis.