2. Method: The ‘Add Entry’ Challenge
To reach the goal of assessing the app’s
usability, as mentioned above, a two-phase test was
executed. The first phase was to cover the app’s
usability, which was tested in a controlled
environment (a closed room with two video
cameras) in a short period of time. The second
phase was for testing the apps’ usability over a
longer period of time, trying to emulate the actual
scenario of usage. The research team was not
controlling this second phase, a follow-up survey
was sent to the participants to assess their
experiences. Ten participants were recruited to do
the test, they were found through social networks
like Facebook or personal contact. All participants
were in possession of an iPhone and were
concerned about their weight [Figure 2]. None of the
users had previous experience with the app. Age
range was between 20 to 50 years old. Participants
came from different backgrounds (architects,
designers, engineers, housewives) and different
types of exercising lifestyles (serious trainers,
physically active and sedentary).
2. Method: The ‘Add Entry’ ChallengeTo reach the goal of assessing the app’susability, as mentioned above, a two-phase test wasexecuted. The first phase was to cover the app’susability, which was tested in a controlledenvironment (a closed room with two videocameras) in a short period of time. The secondphase was for testing the apps’ usability over alonger period of time, trying to emulate the actualscenario of usage. The research team was notcontrolling this second phase, a follow-up surveywas sent to the participants to assess theirexperiences. Ten participants were recruited to dothe test, they were found through social networkslike Facebook or personal contact. All participantswere in possession of an iPhone and wereconcerned about their weight [Figure 2]. None of theusers had previous experience with the app. Agerange was between 20 to 50 years old. Participantscame from different backgrounds (architects,designers, engineers, housewives) and differenttypes of exercising lifestyles (serious trainers,physically active and sedentary).
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