How to prove English skill in Thai student?
1. Why Thai student aren’t able to speak English well?
2. What the main causes of the oral communication in the Thai student?
In the present, English becomes the international communication since. It has successfully dominated the world of globalization in many fields including education, economics, business, social, culture and others. In the educating part of the Thailand, both of government, teachers and students should elaborate the English language learning strategy in which the government as facilitator through the school, teacher as the mediator and the students as the learner could increase English language proficiency more over. Thai English teacher usually get use with translation, reading, and writing. While speaking is reason to avoid this skill. As the result of survey, show that English skill of Thai student were recorded at 53 from 54 countries in Asia
English is not there native language. Firstly, an extra curriculum activity and less important than any other subjects such as math, science, etc. English for them is learnt only for the utilitarian purposes. Secondly, Thai student don’t show eagerness to learn English at primary school level until the time they start seeing English as a career at high school level. This attitude doesn’t help to be fond of English as foreign language even curious about foreign cultures. Not only that, the large class size, medium of instruction in Thai, and lack of English environment for interaction in daily life that all are the fundamental problems which should be fixed.
Factors that affect Thai oral communication.
1. Oral communication
- The historical of Thai which has never been colonized by any European country.
- Age or maturational constrain
- Aural medium
- Socio culture factor
2. Psychological factors
- anxiety
- feeling of measiness
- frustration
- self – doubt
- apprehension
- fear of mistakes
- shyness
- lack of confident
- lack of motivation
3. Others
- Teachers focus on grammar more than speaking performance .
- Large - class size
- Medium of instruetion in Thai.
- Lack of English environment for interation indaily life.
How to solve the problem/ prove
Thailand should show more for all English movies and TV programs in English. Especially the listening and conversational skills dramatically for almost 100% of the people as almost everybody (even people in rural areas) have access to television.
Classroom learning communities influences student involvement and engagement as the base foundation to firstly increase student’s motivation and confidence. Having a group work, at least decrease teacher’s participation but no means as dividing interaction between students and teachers. Teachers in learning community are now being the supervision and guide for learners in addition, students could independently solve the problem without depending on the teacher. Besides, Students are required to build an initiative action and focus on the real learning needs. After that, students are the center of learning so much hard work on the part of teachers.
In conclusion, the historical of Thailand. Thailand never influenced the language of language European. Although the current situation English language has important to communication between countries, but the affective factor still have a great deal of with the Psychological factor of Thai students attitudes to oral communication. So teacher should make environment of classroom for interaction in daily life with an emphasis on English’ oral communication.