5. Conclusion and Recommendations:
Thalassemia is a burden to mothers that greatly
affects their lives. The study concluded that mothers
have major needs and concerns related to the
complications of a life-lasting disease and the
challenges associated with chronic blood transfusion
and iron chelation therapy. A holistic approach
including nursing, medical, educational, financial,
and psychosocial support should be used while caring
with patients and their families. Further studies are
needed to explore the needs, concerns, and the lived
experiences of mothers caring with thalassemic
5. Conclusion and Recommendations:Thalassemia is a burden to mothers that greatlyaffects their lives. The study concluded that mothershave major needs and concerns related to thecomplications of a life-lasting disease and thechallenges associated with chronic blood transfusionand iron chelation therapy. A holistic approachincluding nursing, medical, educational, financial,and psychosocial support should be used while caringwith patients and their families. Further studies areneeded to explore the needs, concerns, and the livedexperiences of mothers caring with thalassemicchildren.
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