0:08well the purpose
0:11this video is to explain the different sections a matheson try caste
0:15certificate analysis
0:17commonly referred to as a see Ave for electronic pure gases
0:21a CFA is a document that accompanies each gas cylinder produced by matheson
0:27try gas
0:28the Cova
0:32is shipped with the cylinder and displaced in a packing list envelope
0:36the envelope is either pasted to the outside the cylinder transport cap
0:40or affixed to the body of a cylinder it contains the details needed to quantify
0:45exactly the form and content
0:47at the product as such it represents an implicit guarantee
0:51from matheson try gas that at the point of shipment
0:55the product has met the characteristics described
0:58let's examine the CFA in detail one section at a time
1:02will start from the top left in proceed from left to right
1:06and top to bottom the upper left corner of the certificate
1:10identifies the Customer Service Center responsible for the product
1:13this is the Matheson try gas ocasion that process the order if you need to
1:19contact customer service with any question related to the product you
1:23should use the phone and fax numbers
1:25listed here the upper right corner of the CFA contains
1:29information specific to the particular shipment and contains
1:33identifying information such as the certificate analysis number
1:38your customer number which is an internal reference number we use it
1:42matheson tried
1:43our internal sales order number hand
1:47your purchase order number this information will help customer service
1:52identify the specific shipment should you have a question about it
1:58below the Customer Service Center information on the left
2:01you'll find additional product information
2:04the manufacturing location is the Matheson try gas facility from which the
2:08originated the shipping location is the Matheson try gas facility that is
2:13responsible for delivery of the product
2:15to the custom cylinder number
2:20or numbers also known as Saunders serial numbers
2:23identified the soldiers for which the Cova applies
2:27the specific cylinder or cylinders from which samples were analyzed are marked
2:32with an asterisk
2:33the lot number is the Matheson try gaslight identifiers that can be used to
2:39specific production information the filled
2:42is the date the soldiers listed on the sea obey were filled
2:46the expiration date is the date this owners listed on the city Ave
2:50pass beyond their shelf life the middle of the page contains product name
2:57and part number: information this area includes the product name
3:02grade and matheson try gas part number: this area also includes
3:07if available the customer part number:
3:10the customer specification number and
3:13revision number adjacent to the product information section
3:19his package information this area includes details on the product package
3:24including cylinder size cylinder valve type:
3:28volume a product and pressure a product in the zone
3:31if applicable grows tear
3:34and net weight of cylinder package and product are included here
3:38in the center of the certificate
3:42you'll find the details up the analysis results this area lists all data
3:47pertaining to analysis done on the Prada
3:50which includes total purity all specified impurities for which analysis
3:55was performed
3:56the specifications for both total purity and impurities
4:00the results of the now sits listed under
4:03certified concentration the units of measurement
4:07which typically will be percent parts-per-million
4:10and/or parts-per-billion and the analytical method
4:15used to determine the result under the table
4:20results is the comments section this area is reserved for
4:24any special instructions or other requirements unique to this order
4:28such as a clarification up specification information
4:33for example overall purity excludes hydrogen or
4:38at the specification deviation is necessary the authorization from the
4:42customer would appear here
4:44for any additional information that doesn't appear in the product
4:48description can be included here
4:50such as an inner pressure pad for a low vapor pressure gas
4:55at the bottom other certificate is the Matheson try gas
5:00sign up section this area contains a statement to remind the customer
5:05that the product covered by the Certificate of Analysis is subject to
5:08matheson try gases
5:10Terms and Conditions of Sale this area also contains to approval signature
5:16that are filled in by two different qualified matheson try gas
5:20experts we hope the information presented in this video has been helpful
5:26we welcome your comments about this video or ideas about
5:30other topics you would like us to cover in future visions for any questions
5:35reading a certificate in houses are any other specialty gas need
5:39please do not hesitate to contact customer service
5:43or send us an email info at Madison try gas
5:49thank you for choosing matheson tried the gas professionals
5:54big boy
6:03but both