In addition to the adverse pregnancy outcomes, we
examined the following potential risk factors: inadequate
prenatal care, delayed first prenatal care visit, no prenatal
vitamin use prior to first prenatal care visit, recent smoking,
drinking since pregnant, recent drug use, and self reported
depression. Prenatal and delivery records were reviewed to
determine the number of prenatal care visits and the gesta-
tional age at first visit. TheKotelchuckAdequacy of Prenatal
Care Utilization Index was calculated fromthemonth of first
prenatal visit, the number of visits, and gestational age at
delivery [18]. For the purpose of this analysis, the adequacy
of prenatal care was coded as adequate or inadequate.
Delayed prenatal carewas defined as a first prenatal care visit
occurring after 13 weeks of gestation. Recent smoking was
defined as smoking at least one cigarettewithin the 6-months
prior to the interview. Drinking since pregnant was deter-
mined by comparing self reported weeks since last drink to
the gestational age at the time of interview. If the last drink
was consumed after 2 weeks of gestation, participants were
categorized as drinking since pregnant. Recent drug use was
In addition to the adverse pregnancy outcomes, weexamined the following potential risk factors: inadequateprenatal care, delayed first prenatal care visit, no prenatalvitamin use prior to first prenatal care visit, recent smoking,drinking since pregnant, recent drug use, and self reporteddepression. Prenatal and delivery records were reviewed todetermine the number of prenatal care visits and the gesta-tional age at first visit. TheKotelchuckAdequacy of PrenatalCare Utilization Index was calculated fromthemonth of firstprenatal visit, the number of visits, and gestational age atdelivery [18]. For the purpose of this analysis, the adequacyof prenatal care was coded as adequate or inadequate.Delayed prenatal carewas defined as a first prenatal care visitoccurring after 13 weeks of gestation. Recent smoking wasdefined as smoking at least one cigarettewithin the 6-monthsprior to the interview. Drinking since pregnant was deter-mined by comparing self reported weeks since last drink tothe gestational age at the time of interview. If the last drinkwas consumed after 2 weeks of gestation, participants werecategorized as drinking since pregnant. Recent drug use was
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
In addition to the adverse pregnancy outcomes, we
examined the following potential risk factors: inadequate
prenatal care, delayed first prenatal care visit, no prenatal
vitamin use prior to first prenatal care visit, recent smoking,
drinking since pregnant, recent drug use, and self reported
depression. Prenatal and delivery records were reviewed to
determine the number of prenatal care visits and the gesta-
tional age at first visit. TheKotelchuckAdequacy of Prenatal
Care Utilization Index was calculated fromthemonth of first
prenatal visit, the number of visits, and gestational age at
delivery [18]. For the purpose of this analysis, the adequacy
of prenatal care was coded as adequate or inadequate.
Delayed prenatal carewas defined as a first prenatal care visit
occurring after 13 weeks of gestation. Recent smoking was
defined as smoking at least one cigarettewithin the 6-months
prior to the interview. Drinking since pregnant was deter-
mined by comparing self reported weeks since last drink to
the gestational age at the time of interview. If the last drink
was consumed after 2 weeks of gestation, participants were
categorized as drinking since pregnant. Recent drug use was
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..