Asked about when his first love was, D.O explains that his first love was in his third year of high school, but it isn’t a really happy, fond memory. Instead, it’s a rather sad and depressing memory for him. He explains, “I was really clingy and possessive. I still regret being that way to this day.” He adds that in high school, he was a quiet student who always followed the rules, but didn’t necessarily work hard at his studies.
When asked that he probably hasn’t been able to date since becoming an idol, D.O hastily replies, “It’s not that I don’t have an interest in dating! I really do want to date. It’s just that I can’t because I have no time, and there are no opportunities to do so right now. I do think think to myself that I shouldn’t be so clingy ever again, after my mistake with my first love.”
D.O will return to the big screen with “Pure Love,” which will be released February 24 . He will also take part in EXO’s North American Tour, which kicks off on February 10 in Dallas, Texas.