KING Edward VIII was forced to abdicate because he was not considered suitable for the job.Wallis Simpson was a TWICE-Divorced woman;many believed that she would not stay with the King--another divorce.That the king chose someone unsuitable to be queen was only one decision he had made that wasn't good for the UK.David,as he was called by his family,was also a shirker of many royal duties;his unwillingness to do some of the more mundane,but still important jobs a monarch was required to do was another reason he was unsuitable.And some of his political views--appeasement for Hitler's Germany,for one,was just plain dangerous for the country.
Times have also changed.Divorce is quite common.Charles is not the only royal to have divorced and remarried:his sister,Anne,divorced from Mark Philips and married Timothy Laurence.And then,there are other royals who were divorced,but haven't remarried: the Queen's sister,Margaret,and Andrew,Duke of York.
Charles and Camilla repented for their transgressions and their marriage was blessed by the Anglican Church;both are in good standing with the church and Parliament so there are no problems with succession.
C.G. · 6 ปีที่ผ่านมา