brown dwarf star spotted in our helosphere
god that donald trump really gets under my skin honey ahhhhh
i wrote:we know jihad has nothing to do with islam the cowards hide behind the good name of islam and for people like donald trump banning a religion from it's people entering the u.s is barbaric what are we teaching our children if we let our government ban a religion and its people simply because of a few bad apples trump is trying to grab votes anyway he can does not matter to him who he hurts stepping on the backs of others to gain a seat in the oval office ;(
sorry i know this was meant as a joke but trump really pisses me off and trump you don't put down anyone without first walking in there shoes ;(
i have been an army ranger 30 plus years and never came across anyone like trump what an ass he needs to go back to school and this time learn not sleep at his desk ;)
yes i added this to post