2.3.6. Texture and volume retention
The textural properties of dried A. bisporus slices were determined
using a texture analyzer (CT3; Brookfield Ltd., MA, USA). The operational
parameters were as follows: the load cell was 5 kg, a TA-39 blade
shape probe and TA-JTPB micro-three point bend fixture were used,
and the pre-speed, test-speed, and post-speed were 2.0 mm s−1,
0.5 mm s−1, and 2.0 mm s−1, respectively. The mean hardness (g) of
fivemeasurements (fromfive different A. bisporus slices)was calculated
for each experimental condition. The volume retention (VR) was
measured to estimate the volume changes in samples dried using
MVD and FD. The VR of the dried sample was defined as follows: