The fitness of each individual is the maximum rotation
speed achieved over the period of 60 s during the application of constant wind generated by an approximated wind tunnel
after fabrication by a 3-D printer. The rotation speed is the
significant measure of aerodynamic efficiency since the design
space is constrained (including rotor radius and turbine height).
However, in future work, the AC voltage generated will be
preferred, which will take into account any slight weight variations
that may affect performance. The rotation speed is here
measured in number of revolutions per minute (rpm) using a
digital photo laser tachometer (PCE-DT62; manufactured by
PCE Instruments, U.K., Ltd.) by placing a 10 × 2 mm strip
of reflecting tape on the outer tip of one of the individual’s
blades. The experimental setup for a single isolated VAWT
can be seen in Fig. 5, which shows the 30 W, 3500 rpm 304.8
mm propeller fan, which generates 4.4 m/s wind speed, and the
individual placed at 30 mm distance from the center, mounted
on rigid metal pin 1 mm in diameter.
The fitness of each individual is the maximum rotationspeed achieved over the period of 60 s during the application of constant wind generated by an approximated wind tunnelafter fabrication by a 3-D printer. The rotation speed is thesignificant measure of aerodynamic efficiency since the designspace is constrained (including rotor radius and turbine height).However, in future work, the AC voltage generated will bepreferred, which will take into account any slight weight variationsthat may affect performance. The rotation speed is heremeasured in number of revolutions per minute (rpm) using adigital photo laser tachometer (PCE-DT62; manufactured byPCE Instruments, U.K., Ltd.) by placing a 10 × 2 mm stripof reflecting tape on the outer tip of one of the individual’sblades. The experimental setup for a single isolated VAWTcan be seen in Fig. 5, which shows the 30 W, 3500 rpm 304.8mm propeller fan, which generates 4.4 m/s wind speed, and theindividual placed at 30 mm distance from the center, mountedon rigid metal pin 1 mm in diameter.
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