an extraordinary find (continued)
of course, trying to move these huge animals would be extremely difficult-and dangerous.
"how on earth could we get one of them back to england?" i asked.
"wait.don't move!" said lord john."i think they can smell us!"
the two larger dinosaurs had stopped moving.they had their noses lifter up and seemed to be smelling the air.we huddled even lower in the bushes and tried not to make the slightest noise.
"the big ones-they must be the parents.i think they sense danger.we had better get away from here!"whispered lord john.
too late!the two large dinosaurs were slowly moving closer on their huge,three-toed dinosaur smelled the air and came within just a few feet of our let out a loud roar and we could see the long,sharp teeth in its mouth.
"quick,get out the camera!"i said.
"no!this is no time for picture taking.we need to run away."said lord john.
"we can't outrun it.the camera flash.the light might just scare the dinosaurs if we flash it in their eyes,"i whispered.
the large dinosaur was almost on top of our bush.
"okay,it might be our only chance,"said lord john,digging the camera out of his pack.
"on the count of three,i will stand up and take a picture.getready to run!