1.3. Aim of the research work
Composite indicators are well-adapted to issues that require a
multidisciplinary framework. A composite indicator that provides
an integrated approach to benchmark the sustainable development
of energy, water and environment systems in cities was developed
by the author in Kılkıs¸ (in press). The composite indicator has the
namesake of the “Sustainable Development of Energy, Water andEnvironment Systems” (SDEWES) Conferences (International
Centre for Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and
Environment Systems-a). In Kılkıs¸ (in press), the index was used
to compare energy scenarios for 22 Mediterranean port cities. This
paper applies the composite indicator to 12 Southeast European
(SEE) cities to compare performance related to SDEWES. As evident
in Table 1, such an application has not been done in scope of
analysis and sample. Best practices are further identified to
contribute towards improving SEE city performance based on the
results of the composite indicator.
The paper is organized into four sections. Section 2 provides the
method of applying the composite indicator to the sample. Section
3 overviews highlights from the data entries in the process of
implementing the method. Section 4 presents the results of the
composite indicator for the SEE city sample as well as best practices
that cities may use to increase future performance. Section 5 concludes
with the implications of the composite indicator to trigger
learning, action, and collaboration among SEE cities towards a more
sustainable future.