My sweet heart thanks so much for your love and concern towards our
relationship, honey i want you to know that am ready to do anything
possible to make you happy honey i would have suggested we buy a home in other
to get more comfort and privacy but it all depend on our financial
status.......honey can we afford money to buy a house? how much do you
think we should budget for it ? i want you to suggest the best for us
because i do not wish to go back to this same job after my
vacation,if i get enough money i will like to invest and start up a
very good business or what do you advise my love, you know my life is
always at risk with this job down here and it is not good for our
relationship because i always wanna be by your side to protect and
guide you??? I will want you to tell me your feelings about me and
what you think we can do to achieve our future goals.Hope to hear from
you soon.I miss you so much my heart honey please accept my friend
request on Hangout please i have added you