recognise physical activity to be beneficial following
a CVA and uncovered strong evidence for stroke patient
interventions favouring intensive, highly repetitive, taskorientated
and task-specific training in all phases post
stroke. Meta-analysis (Evidence Based Review of Stroke
Rehabilitation (EBRSR), 2014) showed significant positive
effects for 13 interventions relating to gait, 11 interventions
relating to arm-hand activities, 3 interventions for physical
fitness and another related to activities of daily living. 3
However, EBRSR (2014) also acknowledged that poorer J
walking ability, specific sensory motor functions, and low J
mood were found to be correlates for low levels of ;o
physical activity affecting individual recovery. The therapeutic
relationship between a nurse and patient could, therefore,
provide a much-needed motivational impetus to improve
some of these aspects that may hinder rehabilitation regimes.