1) There are participant = 40 person including Cane Supply Division Manager of Wangkanai, Wangkanai interesting to buy DC70 2 unit within this year for harvest Rice and Crotalariaand one of customer interesting M8540 (existing M6040). Yield of Crotalaria total 2,100 ton
Next action : Follow up purchasing process of DC70 and Crotalaria Project in next season.
2.1) OSCB Udon Thani interesting in TPS Project and Other activity with SKC, we can proposal project anytime.
2.2) OCSB Udon Thani is responsible in promotion about cane variety and sugarcane practice
Next action : Invite to join in Wangkanai Project
3) Joined "Thank You Farmers" event of Saharueang Sugar, Mukdahan on Apr 26
Results : Participants = 137 persons
Booking B = 3 units L= 2 units M= 1 unit
4) Had a meeting with Angvian Sugar industry (Wangkanai Group) , Nakhonratchasima on Apr 30 about the project 2015
Results :
4.1) The sugar mill requested SKC and Kubota Benjapon Nakhonrratchasima to offer sales package of tractor B-series and M-series same as Wangkanai Sugar, Mahasarakham.
4.2) This year is the first time that the sugar mill plan to create financial program of machinery for their farmers
4.3) The sugar mill follow up the "Zoning" government policy by supporting the members who registered this project with special loaning 3 years no interest.
Next action : Prepare the program of B and M-series for offering the sugarmill and follow up the zoning project for login this project
5) Coordinate with Kubota Jakkasetyont, Nongbualamphu created the special trip with field offer of Erawan Sugar on May 2
Results : Participants = 90 persons
The sugar mill plan to buy Tractor Kubota B2440 = 5 unit and L4708SP = 1 unit for giving lucky draw to their farmers who join the event on June 6
Next action : follow up the order of above tractor B-series and L-series