Once again, the auditorium of YG Academy was full of students for another vampire prevention conference. Mister Yang Hyunsuk, the headmaster, had decided that measures had to be taken against the growing threat... to the great displeasure of the students, who have heard those speeches from their headmaster and teachers about a thousand times.
"...They have pale complexion, dark eyes and fangs, as you've probably seen in movies... BUT, the vampires we have been warned against look just like you and I and they blend in the common crowd easier than what we may think... they do NOT only come out at night. Most of the time, they won't attack by day but choose easy targets..."
"... Like I knew she was a vampire, man! She was just a freakin' beautiful girl to me, you know? Everything was alright till she got hungry and showed her fangs... Yeah, students, they can hide those. So, watch out! If it's too good to be true, don't get any close to it... Cuz... ever since, my wife's not sleeping with me... I mean, cuz vampires are dangerous!