Sensory evaluation was conducted by a semitrained panel (nine judges) at the University of Plymouth, Food Technology Department, according to IDF and BSI Standards ISO 5929 24 and using a variation of the Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA) method. 25 Initially judges developed a list of terms describing the texture attributes of ice cream using commercial samples. Definitions were developed for each of the five terms chosen (Hardness, smoothness, iciness, greasy, sandy). A 16.5-cm line scale, anchored with the words 'low'and 'high' 2 cm from each end, was used to rate intensity of the attributes. The samples stored at -18 ° C, were removed from the freezer and tempered for 8 min at 22 ° C prior to sensory testing. The yog-ice creams were presented with a 3-digit code and testing was conducted in separate booths.