Internal combustion (IC) engine based vehicles are the backbone of the modern transport sector. These vehicles use fossil fuels as a source of energy to propel it and emit toxic gases. These noxious gases harm the environment and causes human health problems. Hasty usage of fossil fuels results in rapid depletion of these resources and price inflation. These concerns encourage the modern society to discover alternatives for sustainable future transportation. Various fuel efficient technologies, like hybrid vehicles, are essentially the solution to fulfil the world's need of greener environment. This paper discusses about various aspects like sources of pollution, decreasing level of fossil fuel, dependency on oil energy and need of green vehicles. It suggests to adopt hybrid vehicles, tells the challenges in accepting them as part of the transportation system and their remedies also. The status of hybrid vehicles on the roads worldwide and initiatives taken by different governments are discussed in lucent manner. The paper deliberately describes governments' schemes to focus on securing its energy resources, trim down reliance on fossil fuels and to promote hybrid vehicles on roads in the pollution-free world. Copyright © 2014 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.