Hey! Veronica, sorry for late reply :)
I really really really like your message! This is probably the best message I've ever got from this site!
I think you should go back to Thailand again, and visit Chiang Mai! really nice city though!
Yeah I know about your passport and UK visa, because my boyfriend he's British like you (By the way I love British accent! especially when my boyfriend talk to me ><)
It's quit easy to get visa to travel not just only in Europe but everywhere! You know? it's quite difficult to get visa for Thai people especially Schengen Visas. You need really good statement blabla. always makes me sick! lol. OH!! I saw on your profile you have been quite a lot of countries! that's nice! So what about Morocco? I really like Morocco architecture and interior, it's quite a lot detail and colorful but awesome!
I'm visiting my cousins and aunts in China every year actually every February in Chinese new year but this year a bit late, visit here in Thai new year instead haha
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing about long messages but someone text me like this >> "Hi, Hey its a standard for of greeting, it is how 99% of people everyday greet each other blabla!" OMG! that's not my fault right?! because I don't know how to reply a messages just only "Hi!" :(
Yes (: me too! let's make our wonderful journeys! (Wait! I need to save my money first! lol) In the end of this year I would like to visit Budapest, Hungary but my Ukrainian friend (She visited Chiang Mai for 1 year and back to Ukraine on last month) She wants me to visit her country. I can't decide right now.. But!! hey! I thought I must be add Scotland into my choice! and thanks for that link! so many nice pics! ><
Nepal and Mongolia both are awesome we should visit one day! I wanna try to trekking in Nepal though!
Yep you're pretty awesome girl! :P
I hope you have a perfect week too!
May :)
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