Here are some questions for Ip2today contract,
1. Is there any contract from u if ppl want to take ip2day? If have, pls send me so i know the details bout ur product also.
2. For the client website. Ip2day is using iframe, if have customer want to change something. What item they can change? logo? colour? or cannot change anything
3. U want us to sell just ip2today or ballnaja api also?
4. Last time we try to get indo number, we cannot get right. Is there any change that now we can get? Cos i talk with some ppl already, actually progammer only put some script in the web to get the number.
And the script u using now is build based on Thai telecommunication format. Maybe Indo telecommunication format is different with Thai format.
So if i give u all the simcard that Indo ppl use. i think ur programmer can make the script to take the Indo number also.
Can we try?
Waiting for ur reply pii